

  1. The game will come out no matter what it’s clelad.Many, if not most, musicians will tell you being in a band and creating music isn’t always about becoming big – that’s a media fallacy tailored to the uneducated.You, and several other posters, seem to find it difficult to understand that what Ubisoft are doing is illegal. It’s theft. And they’re simply relying on the fact that they’re a big company to bully their way through to get what they want, regardless of what’s legal, right or fair.In supporting Ubisoft’s illegal position and arguing that big corporations should be allowed to do what they like even when it’s theft and bullying, you’re supporting an environment which means people like you will struggle all your life to make ends meet –– because corporations like Ubisoft want you to.I’m sorry you and others like you lie down and take what big companies give you, to the point that you’re scared witless when someone else stands up against them.It’s not unfair, because it’s your choice; although I doubt it’s an informed one. But it IS sad because you bring us all down with you.

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